Assessment of Physicochemical and Bacteriological Drinking Water Quality in Elgeneina City – West Darfur State - Sudan

  • Ali, M. Masaad
  • Hussein, Nada, M
  • Alhadi A. Adam
Keywords: Physicochemical, Elgeneina City, Bacteriological, Water Quality, Sudan


Water is vital and fundamental for life surviving, where water is the source of all biological lives and their nutrition. Water quality is an evaluation of physicochemical, bacteriological and aesthetic characteristics of water following national and international standard methods. The present study aimed to assess seasonal variations of the physicochemical and bacteriological drinking water quality parameters at Disa aquifer, Elgeneina city - Sudan. The assessment focuses on bacteriological (total coliform [TC], and physicochemical parameters such as temperature (T), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity (NTU), total alkalinity (TA), total hardness (TH) and major ions (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Cl, NO3, SO4 2− and PO43-). The findings of the study showed that all the physicochemical characteristics were found within the recommended limits of national and international standards of drinking water. In addition, the findings revealed that some measured TC values 300/ 100 and 100/100 mL in rainy season for wells No.1 and No. 5, respectively, which exceeded the maximum limit of 0.0/ 100 mL of the national and international standards of drinking water. The present study recommends mobilization of treatment and awareness creation with respect to an onset levels to protect human public health from further possible consequences of using the water.


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