Phytochemical screening, Biochemical Parameters and Histopathological Changes in Liver of Albino Rats Orally Dosed with (Leptadenia pyrotechnica (Marakh) Ethanolic
leptadenia pyrotechnica plant traditionally used in folkloric medicine in Sudan to cure of cough, fever, kidney disorders, stones and urinary disease. The plant tested for its secondary metabolites and toxic effects, the results exhibited high presence of saponins, alkaloids, tannins and triterpens, moderate presence of flavonoids, and negative presence of cumarins and steroids. Rats which dosed with plant extract showed significant differences for Alkaline Phosphate (ALP), albumin and bilirubin levels (p<0.01), while the other parameters represented no significant changes from the control. Histological examination of the plant showed swelling, dilated central vein and peripheral hepatocytes vacoulation.
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